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The School of Cadence Ballet audition 2017 was a great success in Asia in 2016. Students was accepted in the summer course was enjoyed a valuable experience in Ballet. Audition will be hosted again in 2017 by Canaan Dance in different cities in Asia. We are going to take students for both summer intensive courses and year round professional program. . We look forward to seeing you all.

Scholarships will be given out to talented participants during the auditions.


The School of Cadence Ballet 2016年度亞洲區遴選完滿結束。多名學生或頒入學資格及獎學金,從而獲得在芭蕾藝術上寶貴的學習經驗。

在2017年,Canaan Dance被委任在亞洲地區(香港,馬來西亞和台灣)舉行遴選和大師班。參與學生將會有機會參加暑期課程和全年專業訓練課程。我們熱切期待與你們見面。



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