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2017 International Summer Intensive




The School of Cadence Ballet is excited to offer five International Summer Dance Intensives to both professional and youth dancers by audition only.




The International Summer Intensive acts not only as a way for dancers to immerse themselves in their passion, but also as an opportunity for the dancers and faculty to asses which program is the right fit. The schedule is carefully crafted to ensure the dancers make the most of their extra training hours focusing on making noticeable improvement in their technique and artistry. We believe that each dancer should have tangible improvement by the end of the intensive. Dancers who are accepted for the upcoming season are required to attend additional training in August. GENRES AVAILABLE (Dependent on level) Ballet, Pointe, Contemporary, Limon, Graham, Horton, Floor Work, Improvisation, Forsythe Technique, Partnering, Ballroom, Jumps and Turns, Body Conditioning, Jazz, Classical Variations, Cadence Ballet Rep., Guest Workshops, Anatomy/Kinesiology, Nutrition, Dance History, Professional Development, Choreographic Process and Production.


2016 International Summer Intensive


The School of Cadence Ballet為專業及年輕舞者提供五個暑期課程 (需要進過遴選)。




國際暑期課程是一個機會讓導師為舞者挑選合適的課程。為了令舞者在他們的額外培訓時間裡可更專注在舞蹈技巧和藝術性上得到顯著的進步,暑期課程的時間表是經過精心打造的。我們相信每一個舞者在課程完結時都會有明顯的進步。所有被挑選加入我們的舞者都必須參與八月的額外訓練,內容包括(根據舞者能力)芭蕾舞、足尖課、現代舞、Limon, Graham, Horton、地板動作,即興,Forsythe Technique,雙人舞課、標準舞、跳躍和旋轉、身體調理,爵士舞,古典變奏課、Cadence Ballet Repertoire、工作坊、解剖學/運動學,營養學,舞蹈史,專業發展,編舞過程和製作

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